Season 2024 Opening Weekend May 18th!
Sat., May 25; 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sun., May 26; 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
(future dates TBD - dates and times subject to change)

Welcome to Dell'Osso Family Farm
Be the first to know when our cherries are ready for picking!
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Our family is so excited to offer our third annual u-pick cherry event. We planted our orchard 7 years ago and 2022 was the first year that we had enough fruit to open to the public. Because this is so new for us, we are not sure how long our supply will last. So please try to come out on opening weekend so you don't miss out on "Cherries on the Farm" and don't miss out on our delicious baked goods. Our bakery will be very busy creating cherry delights which you can eat while you pick cherries or take home.
U-Pick Cherries
Opening Weekend May 18th
Thank you to everyone who visited in 2023!
We hope everyone who came out enjoyed their time
and made happy memories!
Check back here for 2024 updates!

It’s cherry season again! They’re fresh, plentiful, beautiful, and delicious, but, you may be wondering—are cherries actually that good for you? The answer is yes, 100 times yes! Cherries are not only one of the healthiest fruits, they also rank as one of the most health protective foods overall. One cup, or about 21 cherries, contains less than 100 calories and 15% of your daily vitamin C needs.
Dell’Osso Farm was founded in the 1920’s by three brothers from Italy who started farming asparagus. Rudy Dell’Osso, the son of one the original brothers, took over the farm in the 1950’s and diversified into growing tomatoes, beans and alfalfa. In the mid 1970’s, Ron Dell’Osso, Rudy’s son, joined the business and added pumpkins, melons and sweet corn to the crop rotation. In 1997, Ron and his wife Susan, started the first Corn Maze and the Halloween event has grown into a Haunted House, Pumpkin Blaster and much more. The Dell’Osso Family Farm October event has grown into one of the most popular Halloween season destinations in the nation, with approximately 250,000 people visiting the site each October. The event still remains a family operation, with the entire Dell’Osso family participating. The farm also hosts other events throughout the year.
We hope your family will enjoy our farm as much as we do.

Rudy Dell'Osso

Dell’Osso Family Farm COVID-19 Health and Safety Prevention Plan
The Dell’Osso Family looks forward to welcoming employees and guests to Dell’Osso Family Farm in 2023. During this challenging time with COVID-19 still in our mist, the health and safety of our employees and guests continues to be our number one priority. As such, we will implement protocols in accordance with California Industry guidelines for COVID-19 operations. The COVID-19 Health and Safety Prevention Plan will identify prevention steps for the safety of workers and the public visiting our Family Farm. These steps follow State and CDPH guidelines, as well as OSHA requirements and all other applicable laws. These steps enhance already established practices related to Health and Safety in the Workplace.
COVID-19 Guidelines for U-Pick Guests...
1. Pay with Credit/Debit method if possible.
2. If you show signs of illness please stay home.
3. Wash or disinfect all products before consumption.
4. Don't touch or pick products unless you intend to purchase.
5. Personal bags, containers or ice chests are prohibited.
6. Group gatherings are probhibited.
7. No picnics or outside food consumption is allowed.
8. Please wait for the guest in front of you to finish their purchase before approaching the cashier.